Tag Archives: enlightenment

Women’s Rights and Prosperity

Women’s Rights and Prosperity     July 5, 2022

Well, in my opinion, America’s Constitution inherently and directly includes prior media that brought the document into being and which must be included when it is in reference. We have speeches, songs, art, war records, but perhaps most importantly our Declaration of Independence which brought forth the idea of God, of good, of freedom, and of the Will of people. America’s Constitution itself is largely a formation of government whose very intent is also to create balance and fairness without corruption. It is not the single legal document of our country. These legal details and their applications are found in the body of subject litigation within her courts and this body I speak of is much comprised of freedoms and the actions taken against such freedoms. Of right from wrong. Of situations, consequence, and circumstance.

Our forefathers having learned in Europe the idea that the Will of God is obtained by the Will of the people represented by vote began their new federation or republic. They did so with the intent to bring freedom to all of those who entered into her jurisdiction and under her flag. They also knew that war was necessary. Eventually actions of war and conflict came to include aid to oppressed peoples or those under threat of oppression. These principles have created the most prosperous nation in the World which has aided many other Nations and peoples in retaining, improving, or gaining freedom and independence from oppressors.

The assault on women’s rights initiated by MAGA and being carried out to some extent by our Supreme Court is wrong and not legal in my opinion. But the subject is extremely important to our Well-Being and needs to be brought to order and properly recorded in our history. Our Supreme Court and Congress should be the bodies of our government to accomplish this in a more timely manner and for posterity.

Women are most important to the Evolution of Humanity towards God’s Kingdom as they are gifted by God with a profound capacity for love and nurturing and to conceive, carry, and birth children. They have intuition regarding the growth and development of children. And this makes women and children the most important for growth and development towards God’s Kingdom. As God, we should allow them to do so as they see fit especially when it comes to the matter of conception and pregnancy. Women’s responsibilities as Humans are profound and it should be given freedom by governing bodies and not be impaired.

The ’Sexual’ or Women’s Revolution or Movement of the 1960’s in America began the revelation, learning, and understanding of the importance of women and decisions of sex and pregnancy. The complex biological science of women and pregnancy increased and contraceptives and safe abortions of various kinds were developed.

Contraceptives and safe abortions improved the health and welfare of women, children, families, and society. But some people especially those associated with conservative religions or their prominent leaders retained views of this as killing an unborn life rather than the view of addressing the complications of pregnancy and improving the health and welfare of our World. And to this day many conservatives and religious leaders argue when an embryo is given Life by God.

In my opinion, embryos are not given Life until they are viable outside of but still in the uterus. This allows a very good window of opportunity to assess or evaluate the growth, development, and overall health of the embryo and mother. When complications arise decisions can be made as to what is best for the unborn embryo, mother, and family. I also believe that a woman may have the ability to determine when God places the Spirit/Soul into the unborn. When the embryo becomes alive. And that this should be studied. This would create an overlap of two possible windows of when an embryo receives Life from God.

So I disagree with people who believe that Life begins earlier than this. And I understand that this belief is held in long standing by conservative religions and their fervent for Life. But this movement occurred because women were being oppressed by men who used the very gift of Life to abuse women. Women need empowerment over this. Little girls become women and they need empowerment. Boys become men and they need empowerment of understanding the woman, childbearing, and rearing without abuse.

In the World’s history and that of humankind, great Nations were and are created as a direct result of women’s rights like Europe and China though China is now struggling with maintenance. America must ensure women’s rights. In our lore and religions women are the primary representative of justice and health and our wellbeing and are associated with serpents and crosses or crucifixes. Many humans will be judged by God by how they treated women and their children.

The premise of our justice system is to improve and implement decisions of increased knowledge of common good arrived at by human condition, consequence, circumstance which will improve and reflect our beliefs toward our lives and World and good and God. Prosperity will increase. It is true that it is difficult to take ‘local’ decisions and transform them into National policy. But this is what to some extent needs to be done.


The Blanket of Morality | Severance and Deliverance

The Blanket of Morality | Severance and Deliverance

The Blanket of Morality | Severance and Deliverance     June 16, 2022

Well, a World organization whose intention or mission is to eliminate democracy and freedom around the World (an impossible task) is, in my opinion, facing important decisions of their assault or war front in America. America’s Supreme Court faces decisions on abortion and gun ownership and America’s Congress also faces decisions on gun ownership. These decisions are at this time being made by Republicans or Conservatives or ‘Constitutionalists’ who misrepresent the principle(s) or Spirit of the document, America’s Constitution. And more accurately by ill-willed MAGA Republicans and traditional Republicans whose intentions are not destructive or ill-willed. I think of these people as humbled (a deferential respect) moderators. They have helped moderate the obstruction, disruption, and destruction of growth and development by MAGA and are bringing them to a righteous conundrum or reckoning.

Our nature is of goodwill, survival, and creation not destruction. And those of destruction should be prevented from doing so in some way. It is a shame that MAGA Republicans have interfered with the growth and development of our nation and World in so many ways. Their actions against America’s and the World’s uncovering and correcting actions of the past and understanding their origins toward equality and prosperity for all and disallowing of it’s teaching. For the wrong doings will indicate and direct us to them. Their actions against self identity. Their actions against those with disabilities. Actions against those in need of assistance. And public schools in general. Schools and churches around the World have been attacked simply because they bring prosperity to us, our children, and the World.

And as always has been the case teaching understanding through communication (media) is the most important means to God’s Kingdom particularly for our children. As I have written, I believe that schools were created or originated by beliefs that our World is God’s creation and the beliefs and actions as seen to bring prosperity to all should be shared by all. The creation or origin of schools I believe is religions or churches. People who believed in God and intended to share their knowledge with others to bring prosperity. Our children are our greatest gift of and to God’s Kingdom.

They attack those in need of an abortion which is usually in favor of the unborn, mother, family, and society but allow the slaughter of children within the school. They allow malnutrition and insufficient healthcare. They deny family planning and birth control.

They have a superiority complex and have tried miserably to invoke intellect and logic into their actions of regression, pollution, poverty, and hate. They mock our systems or ways of progress while they use them for their utility to destruct. They implement nationalism/socialism for superiority rather than sharing. They pollute our communications and dialect which creates suicides and assassins within our societies especially our children.

They preach for government out of their lives, their freedom, as they teach to destruct even to their children. We should hold parents more accountable for the actions of children along with other measures of societal laws.

They are both within and without our systems of civility and righteousness but I believe they are finding it more difficult to work within them. Though they have managed much destruction by wrapping themselves in the blanket of society allowing them to enter our ways of God to freedom and prosperity. But they are beginning to be revealed as a result of their own actions.

MAGA’s decision to associate with Republicans, in my opinion, began historically with the conservative churches of Europe, in particular, and also the Jewish of Jerusalem. These people, I believe, were the Worlds first organized attempt to teach the ways of God around the World. They organized schools and created or influenced militaries. The King James Bible was written. The conservation of collected monies. Battles ensued and pilgrims migrated to America and formed the first, in my opinion, government based on the principles of God and freedom. They brought this from Europe. And soon to follow were the ill-willed and battles again ensued in America for the rights of people. But America has survived and prospered at a relatively alarming rate as a result of capitalism and became the World’s superpower. Extending aid of all kinds around the World in efforts to spread democracy and freedom. So MAGA was created to terrorize freedom and destruct/obstruct laws and legislature, rights of people, their environments and decorations particularly in America and the structures in which these things take place.

I believe MAGA is the executive branch of the American assault on democracy and freedom and they are, in my opinion, associated with, directed by, and/or backed by a larger organization that I believe may principally reside somewhere in Europe. And MAGA and therefore their larger organization is facing grave decisions in America as they have in Ukraine which will determine or shape their future both in America and around the World. These decisions primarily concern confronting their beliefs and actions and a balancing of the Soul. Revelations and confessions may take place.

The MAGA Republicans wish to make guns easily available for terroristic actions of all kinds but at this time, in my opinion particularly schools and churches and perhaps specifically children. I think assault weapons should be banned or the minimum age increased to twenty-one. But it appears at this time this will not occur though some progress of information gathering may be made and perhaps a greater ability to prevent and/or intervene the actions of these ill-willed people.

They have been creating a situation of armed battle within the US (civil war) over the years and the decisions of the cases brought before our Congress and our Supreme Court may be the beginning of the armed battle in America. In doing so, they must resolve themselves more from our society(ies). Revealing more of themselves and their beliefs. Life and World altering decisions will be made. A second front of armed battle of sorts (Ukraine being the first) to a Holy World War could begin in America. Bringing our dialect closer to religion(s) or God and morality. Endangering things that facilitate the growth and development of our society particularly those concerning our children like churches, schools, and daycare facilities.

The nearing decisions and actions of the ill-willed will also begin to bring out more of what is, in my opinion, like MAGA, the European leadership of this World destruction. A severance and/or deliverance from our societies, nations, and World will begin to occur at some time. Churches of the ill-willed will begin to be revealed.

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Economies: The Power of Nationalization/Socialism

Economies: The Power of Nationalism/Socialism     June 3, 2022

Autocrats (Republicans) realize that nationalization brings prosperity to nations and their people so they create their own brand of dialect and activities to bring about control of nations’ people and economy. They increase their power by destructive means. They nationalize terrorism.

The proliferation of guns in America is a direct result of Republicans allowing them to be for the purpose of terrorism. The Republicans want to destroy social progress of freedom and democracy and replace it with dictatorial regime(s) controlling America and the World.

They attack social gatherings of good citizens from schools to churches to restaurants and clubs. They have weaved themselves into the fabric of societies of which and often from where they intend to obstruct and destruct. They are in our governments, police forces, and justice systems. They are in our schools and churches. They are in fact both liberal and conservative and of all races.

Guns in America are historical and in my opinion always will be. America will probably always hold the most guns. They serve the good as well as the bad and in fact have good meaningful value as well to many people including Democrats. And with the proliferation of terrorism many have the right and do keep arms for defense.

But Democrats do not argue against the accounting and seriousness of gun ownership and they use them accordingly, following the law(s). There is a myriad of ways to manage gun ownership and most if not all have been verbalized or made public. And in my opinion it will take all of the ways to decrease gun violence in America.

Since Uvalde The Republicans have conferred and decided that healthcare, mental healthcare in particular, will help diminish mass shootings committed with assault weapons. And they are attempting to hide all other mass shootings behind this one.

I assume they believe that the people who commit these crimes are mentally ill and will make an appointment with a mental health expert who could possibly by reasoning with them help them understand the error in their reasoning and prevent a mass shooting.

Well, I don’t think most mass shooting perpetrators will contact a mental health expert in the first place and they damn sure aren’t in my opinion going to pay for it. My God, they even suggested that they were improving internet in rural areas so these people can call up a telehealth service. These are the same group of people, the Republican Party, that does not like mental healthcare in general not even for people who have already been incarcerated and they don’t like the proliferation of tech companies who make this possible. They are in fact, in my opinion, mocking telehealth and that is sick.

I’ll tell you what will probably happen next and that is the more that goes wrong within the US (and around the World) as a result of Republican ideals or that of other autocrats the more they will begin speaking as if the good that Democratic ideas and implementations of these ideas bring is actually the ideas of Republicans (again). They will somehow brand these ideas as new and their own. They should just help nationalize gun control and healthcare in someway and get it over with, so to speak. And provide healthcare to inmates as the Democrats have suggested.

The Democrats have written and presented ideas and ways to nationalize healthcare, gun control, and internet availability. But the Republicans have enough people in power to prevent their implementation. However, they are being confronted with their own ill intentions being shown to be evil and are finding it more difficult to explain their way out of it. And this will continue. They should be voted out of office(s).

As they are making it difficult for the lower and middle class in particular to vote for these things and contribute to impeding the investment and redistribution of money created by these people within the economy they serve and live in.

We should pay for these things by creating fairness and equality within our economy by increasing the taxes on our economies wealth and investing and redistributing it. I believe this would also ease the cost or rise of inflation that is created as a result of increased market size and services to more people creating more jobs (overhead) and thus increased costs. High job demand cannot be viewed as the problem to inflation so the answer is not to hope for or support in any way the decreasing of job demand. The answer is to invest and redistribute money earned by the economy. To create the jobs needed by and for the people. It is marketing 101. If people need jobs and the jobs are created then the market, economy, will improve being more prosperous.

These times are ones of growth and development and nourishment, inputs (money) and work, are what is needed. There will in my opinion come a day when these sorts of measures to equality, heavy investment and redistribution, will not be so greatly needed. When our economies and World are more fully developed by serving all of the people engaged within it.

Our industries and governments must learn to administer and manage the massive growth and development of economies for peoples of Nations and the World that is being demanded and needed as is evidenced in many ways.



In Memory of Service to God

In Memory of Service to God     May 29, 2022

In honor of time serving God in bringing prosperity to Earth we commemorate memorials of persons and events thereof in remembrance of this gift of wisdom through teachings of common and special qualities of the Life lived. We mourn the loss and celebrate the gift(s). Our memories should guard this well of wisdom and continue their spread by foster for it is the good that endures.

We bring tears of joy and tears of sorrow. We bring tears of loss and tears of gain. We bring tears of acceptance and tears of rejection. And the list goes on. Weeping can bring one to a new understanding of many things associated with improvement on oneself, interactions with others, and the society. These things are for improvement upon existing Life and the preservation of future Life.




Economic Perspective

Economic Perspective    May 9, 2022  

I believe Humanity is endowed by God to create a Heaven on Earth by learning and implementing or following all of the Laws of God as understood and witnessed by the common good to bring about more efficient prosperities and returns of work. The returns of work or service to God, His vocations, oneself, and one another being the provisions supporting Life which include the Spiritual Well Being and enjoyment of Life’s beauty.

In Humanity’s history and across the World currency was created by peoples to accommodate and account for trade of vocations making it a mathematical accounting and calculable transaction. As such it also provides values of vision, revelation, and dreams through foresight. It allows for preservation, continuity, savings, and futures of all peoples and their society. It allows for change and prosperity.

I associate this with a what I call a Cycle of God, a circle, and it should not be broken because it’s natural progression of growth and development of peoples and societies will be impeded. Idle monies created by and collected from a society must be reinvested in that society or economy or the growth and development will be hindered. It will sit idle as a pollution of previous work performed, unexchanged, basically unmanaged, and not providing for proper growth and development and subsequent Well Being and/or it’s improvement. The responsibility of this task primarily rests in my opinion with our governments through taxation and distribution or accessibility.

I will argue that in fact America’s current economy is itself a diverse self imposed and correctible autocracy leaving much monies at the top of a scale of economical efficiency rather than spread fairly or equitably across the scale of labor which makes up an equitable economy and increases productivity. It’s not the capitalistic economy with social nets and supports that it is intended and designed to be which I believe is the natural approach to economic efficiency and stability. Monies for or of an economy are much better spent and invested at all hierarchy of community by all of the values of pay scale (jobs or vocations) (selves) that make up the economy. Knowing economic efficiency ratios may be a good start to evaluating economies. Simply put it is input / output where continuity equals 1. The number One is important because it returns to itself completing a circle. It could be, in my opinion, considered both a prime number and a whole number.

As Spirits are intended by God to participate in Life and prosperity so it is that humanity must learn and implement the Ways of God and bring natural or learned talents and vocations in harmony with equitable and sustainable environments of welfare by properly allotting values for accounting purposes to those inputs of talents/gifts and vocations and their returns to society while maintaining secure nets of prosperity for all ecosystems. I underestimated the growth of inflation and the longevity of it’s rise not fully realizing the apparent capital required to reduce the shortages of the production or manufacturing of required inputs and systems to implement them including labor to alleviate human needs in America and around the World. And unforeseen effects of War and the pandemic. A complexity of interconnected economies of the World of which America is primary. But I believe it has created much work toward it’s correction and this is good.

While one may look to large corporate companies to blame in tech and investment industries for example the resolution primarily lies within our governments and their administration and management of our citizens and their contributions to the economy. However, much of this action or lack thereof by our government is and has been a good conservative consequence to the bickering in our societies and governments and resulting corruption and underdevelopment or progression which essentially began with the social and environmental movements of the 1960’s or even the 1950’s after World War II or even the struggles of freedom of black people dating back even further including America’s civil war or even the Jews of Moses. And all of these continue today.

The reserve of money as a result of insufficient taxation and distribution has come somewhat naturally or instinctually during turbulent and troubling or uncertain times and is a double edge sword so to speak and leaves few including our government with the responsibility of caring for the masses of lower and middle class citizens which make up most of a society and World and indicates the goal or center or heart of the scale of prosperity and it’s accounting of. Tech and investment companies for example do not have knowledge related to many of a society’s industries which support the necessary work of healthy societies but can and do help implement and manage them with technology. Their creation did in fact begin to shift or significantly change America’s economy and culture beginning around the 1960’s and in my opinion it would be good and necessary that these industries be leveraged by our government to improve our economy with these social and environmental changes that these companies are already initiating and allow for the prosperity of our many different human vocations.

I believe systems and methods of our government administration have been improving especially by the implementation of technology. Now they need to improve the accounting of inputs of labor and it’s returns in our economy for proper return and fund distribution for growth and development. They should increase taxes on our wealthy citizens and businesses or industries and distribute more money to the needy and middle class vocations and on a much more timely basis.

Good economies naturally run very efficiently and are largely self sustaining when properly managed. Our World economy and America’s economy are still in an evolutionary phase of growth and development and growing pains and learning curves are also natural. But we must eliminate or greatly reduce boom and bust financial periods. And I believe the best approach to this for America and the World is by properly developing and supporting national economies and aiding and investing with collaboration of business and government in underdeveloped nations or peoples. Admittedly this is not an easy task especially in times of growth and development and war but it must be undertaken.

Bringing about labor or work efficiencies with proper investment will reduce the pollutions and poverties of Humanity in the World. An economy will not prosper if moneys derived from the primary producers of money, the middle class and their vocations and livelihoods, are not properly compensated for and reinvested in. Currently, aside from undervalued government subsidies derived from taxes which are necessary in any case the other alternatives of correction are recession, depression, partial collapse, collapse, or price controls. And when this begins occurring moneys are again redirected to so called savings accounts or entangled investments which are really disaster funds or the double edged sword. This could be the way of some our countries available funds if a directed and managed investment or reinvestment into the production of our primary middle class vocations is not diversified and initiated soon.

Some reinvestment is being done by many corporations to improve futures and livelihoods and it is good. But there is not enough infrastructure or people to support the demand of requirements to implement these new and innovative approaches to the Life Cycles of God and the compensation or redistribution of funds needs to meet our costs of living or current investments. Generally speaking, investments of reserve are only made subsequent to stability of base. Our government (we) has also made investments to increase the input of labor and infrastructure for economic production.

As said, these available funds or untaxed currency or profits of production also amount to the largest War Chest or disaster fund ever amassed and it is formidable. It should be utilized by way of corporate investment and government taxation and investment. Economies and World economy require all humanity to participate but great and significant security issues within Nations and globally have also hindered the development of societies of people and people within societies. But much of these security issues are improving and are another governmental responsibility. Many businesses and social services have had to significantly invest in security systems and their management just so continuity of service to good people could continue.

And while I have written that the ill willed have no government they do use financial tools, business, and corruption to fund partial or puppet governments and militaries of different sorts to attack freedoms of people, their homes, economy, and government. These things will fail though they will probably continue for sometime and in my opinion could grow and develop into a World War and most likely become a Holy World War the size and scale of which is unknown.

The incomplete or broken circles of our World or the Cycles of God as I call them will continue to become whole simply by continuing to implement the ways of good and God. Environments and ecosystems will become stronger and healthier though they may change especially when natural disasters as a result of climate change occur. Disruptions and learning curves are natural. The good must continue progressing. We must continue writing, painting, sculpting. IT, reading, farming, engineering, researching, building bridges and roads, talking/communicating to one another, seeking and finding interest in the World about us and engaging.

And the governments of economies should utilize our technologies and the collected data of industries or business entities in collaboration so that necessary inputs can be identified and implemented into the economy. A socialist like service (government) with capitalistic results or returns. An example would be to collect real-estate data and collaborate with home builders and ensure they have the required capital to build the homes derived from data. It would require cooperation and collaboration with federal, state, and local governments. Energy, including fuel, requirements and inputs is another example of this potential method of managing. Food production. Baby formula. We need a central government with the capability to manage our economy that is armed with good and sufficient data and the required monies made accessible through banking systems. Immigration of labor and services are also required.

In other words, the greater and better the investment in productivity and frontend welfare across the World which includes security, the less pollution and poverty there will be and sustainability and efficiencies will increase. Greatly reducing the required and difficult to maintain aid.

We must work toward improving the masses and primary center of middle and lower wage earners capability of maintaining a healthy household. Investments in work levers include capital, management, and wages but inflation for these productivity increases can not exceed the ability of the primary labor to pay for them who is still after all our primary consistent and active investor. They are the key to continuity. Growth and development comes with ‘growing pains’ but humanity must learn to implement and manage tools and information better to maximize growth and development while not allowing for boom and bust periods.

In other words, the inflation caused by demand of a society or World should not exceed the capability of a common household to pay for it and the best way to return money to it’s public investors is through governments which maintain data and have the capability to do so. The common citizens must see a return on their capital gained by business via purchases. This is often referred to as purchasing power and it should be suitably maintained by our government for the good of people and the businesses they patronize or the circle of growth and development will be hindered.

Moreover, excessive expenditures for investment will fail. Meaning investments must essentially match availability of the workforce and other required inputs. Often investments into education which many companies are now doing and food production must come first. These can generally support large investments though return is generally long term. Transportation and infrastructure. And those things that support them.

Certainly, putting the masses in a position of monthly financial loss due to inflation and the subsequent requirement for outside of the home funding (borrowing, credit card) and then increasing the cost of this funding is not good. It is not good. In the past when the federal interest rate increases primarily slowed growth of companies with the cost of money by interest it may have reduced inflation a bit but still at a high cost to the economy as a whole. And it was at a time when government did not have the capability to manage public subsidies en masse. Raising the taxes for subsidy instead of the interest for money would be a better choice leaving the circle more complete.

Large companies have been broken up by government in the past to control monopolies and excessive price increases but in my opinion this impedes the efficiency or potential efficiency of the business (economies of scale) and it’s ability to grow and develop and simultaneously impedes growth and development of a society or nation or World. It does create a massive capability of investment and this is what needs to be managed in collaboration with government. Certainly excessive price increases should not be allowed.

In other words, as companies invest to meet demand there is often a period of time where price increases to meet the demand of costs of implementation, production, and management which increases inflation could be alleviated by simultaneously taxing these companies and subsidizing markets (consumers) while governmentally aiding in managing the growth and development of our national economy(ies). This would complete the circle and provide for more consistent and continual growth and development and reduce periods of inflation or boom and bust.

Beware of cryptocurrency. It has no value at all.


Economy- Wealth, Market, Country, Nation, Financial System; words of a thesaurus which itself (thesaurus) means treasure and generally associates concepts of the meaning of words. These words are synonyms which hold similar meaning as the word economy and it’s concepts and help cover and understand the breadth of application of meanings and/or their uses.

Eco generally means house and nomy generally means a systematization of knowledge allowing for the management of distribution following a rule or set of laws. It includes associations with environment, ecology, and ecosystems. A spreading of wealth and prosperity so that systems or circles or Cycles of God are sustained as efficiently as possible.

Thrift or thrifty is also associated with the word economy and it’s meaning surrounds thriving, vigorous growth, and prosperity.
