Tag Archives: Health

Women’s Rights and Prosperity

Women’s Rights and Prosperity     July 5, 2022

Well, in my opinion, America’s Constitution inherently and directly includes prior media that brought the document into being and which must be included when it is in reference. We have speeches, songs, art, war records, but perhaps most importantly our Declaration of Independence which brought forth the idea of God, of good, of freedom, and of the Will of people. America’s Constitution itself is largely a formation of government whose very intent is also to create balance and fairness without corruption. It is not the single legal document of our country. These legal details and their applications are found in the body of subject litigation within her courts and this body I speak of is much comprised of freedoms and the actions taken against such freedoms. Of right from wrong. Of situations, consequence, and circumstance.

Our forefathers having learned in Europe the idea that the Will of God is obtained by the Will of the people represented by vote began their new federation or republic. They did so with the intent to bring freedom to all of those who entered into her jurisdiction and under her flag. They also knew that war was necessary. Eventually actions of war and conflict came to include aid to oppressed peoples or those under threat of oppression. These principles have created the most prosperous nation in the World which has aided many other Nations and peoples in retaining, improving, or gaining freedom and independence from oppressors.

The assault on women’s rights initiated by MAGA and being carried out to some extent by our Supreme Court is wrong and not legal in my opinion. But the subject is extremely important to our Well-Being and needs to be brought to order and properly recorded in our history. Our Supreme Court and Congress should be the bodies of our government to accomplish this in a more timely manner and for posterity.

Women are most important to the Evolution of Humanity towards God’s Kingdom as they are gifted by God with a profound capacity for love and nurturing and to conceive, carry, and birth children. They have intuition regarding the growth and development of children. And this makes women and children the most important for growth and development towards God’s Kingdom. As God, we should allow them to do so as they see fit especially when it comes to the matter of conception and pregnancy. Women’s responsibilities as Humans are profound and it should be given freedom by governing bodies and not be impaired.

The ’Sexual’ or Women’s Revolution or Movement of the 1960’s in America began the revelation, learning, and understanding of the importance of women and decisions of sex and pregnancy. The complex biological science of women and pregnancy increased and contraceptives and safe abortions of various kinds were developed.

Contraceptives and safe abortions improved the health and welfare of women, children, families, and society. But some people especially those associated with conservative religions or their prominent leaders retained views of this as killing an unborn life rather than the view of addressing the complications of pregnancy and improving the health and welfare of our World. And to this day many conservatives and religious leaders argue when an embryo is given Life by God.

In my opinion, embryos are not given Life until they are viable outside of but still in the uterus. This allows a very good window of opportunity to assess or evaluate the growth, development, and overall health of the embryo and mother. When complications arise decisions can be made as to what is best for the unborn embryo, mother, and family. I also believe that a woman may have the ability to determine when God places the Spirit/Soul into the unborn. When the embryo becomes alive. And that this should be studied. This would create an overlap of two possible windows of when an embryo receives Life from God.

So I disagree with people who believe that Life begins earlier than this. And I understand that this belief is held in long standing by conservative religions and their fervent for Life. But this movement occurred because women were being oppressed by men who used the very gift of Life to abuse women. Women need empowerment over this. Little girls become women and they need empowerment. Boys become men and they need empowerment of understanding the woman, childbearing, and rearing without abuse.

In the World’s history and that of humankind, great Nations were and are created as a direct result of women’s rights like Europe and China though China is now struggling with maintenance. America must ensure women’s rights. In our lore and religions women are the primary representative of justice and health and our wellbeing and are associated with serpents and crosses or crucifixes. Many humans will be judged by God by how they treated women and their children.

The premise of our justice system is to improve and implement decisions of increased knowledge of common good arrived at by human condition, consequence, circumstance which will improve and reflect our beliefs toward our lives and World and good and God. Prosperity will increase. It is true that it is difficult to take ‘local’ decisions and transform them into National policy. But this is what to some extent needs to be done.
