
Richard A Damron

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I hope that this site, my work, aligns with your views or brings to you a new perspective, view and/or insight on Life. 

I write about the fact that humans are created by God in such a way that we are ordained to be the caretakers of the Earth. Our survival and prosperity depends on how well we care for all of God’s creations. This requires humans to learn, use, and implement all of God’s Laws including theological, scientific and common laws. I hope to bring this message to everyone. I write and publish or post my thoughts, insight, view, and perspective of our current and historical Life experiences and how they can lead us to the Kingdom of God. I write on Social Media platforms, websites, and author short papers that I publish as e-books. I hope you enjoy this site, Media Pages. -Richard A Damron

Promoting the Evolution of Humanity and God's Kingdom with e media and e-books. E-books are for sale and links are on E-books page.